8th Grade Graduation

Benjamin Middle School Graduation will take place May 28, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.

As these young graduates look forward to high school, they carry with them the lessons learned and the friendships formed during these formative years. High school presents new challenges, but it also offers opportunities to explore interests, develop talents, and forge new relationships. Eighth grade graduation is not just an end but a beginning—the start of an exciting new chapter in a student's life, filled with possibilities and the promise of future achievements.
This occasion is celebrated with ceremonies and festivities that honor the achievements of the graduating class. It's a moment for students, teachers, and families to come together, acknowledging the hard work, resilience, and dedication it took to reach this point. The journey through middle school is often marked by significant personal and academic growth, making eighth grade graduation a meaningful milestone in a student's educational journey.

Congratulations 8th Grade!